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Steam Ceremony

Pre-steam consultation

Energy cleanse & card pull

Custom herbal blend for your specific womb needs

Affirmation card to connect to your feminine power

Proper womb cleanse care

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Yoni Steam Facilitated by Karissa Valenzuela Certified Steam Facilitator

Yoni in sanskrit has been translated to source or divine passage.

Your yoni, womb space, vagina, labia, anything and everything between your legs is nothing short of divine.

It creates and nurtures life.

The proper yoni steam plan can help connect you to your womb as well as ease physical symptoms associated with your womb. Steam users have reported better sex, ease of menstrual pain, improved fertility, and menopausal symptom relief.

Along with all the steam benefits your yoni steam will also include:

Pre-steam consultation

Here we address medical contraindications and user sensitivities for the best steam setup.

Custom herbal blend for your specific womb needs

Each wombspace is carrying different energy therefore needs different energetics to support it. Your custom herbal blend will be tailored to your symptoms and goals.


Affirmation card to connect to your feminine power

During our consultation we will address the relationship you have to your yoni and how we can deepen it or simply show gratitude. All written down on an affirmation card for your benefit.

Energy cleanse & card pull

Your energy will be feeling vibrant as you take a deeper look into yourself as we discuss your card pull and its meaning.

Proper womb cleanse care

Our menstruation is a difficult time to enjoy for so many women. We will be discussing proper care of your mind body and spirit during this time. I will also provide basic menstrual cycle information.

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Better Sex

Improved Fertility

Regulated Menstrual Cycles

Help Resolving Sexual Trauma

Detox of the Womb and Body

Deeper Connection with the Wombspace

Steamy Chick institute & Certifications

I received my PFC via Steamy Chick at Steamy Chick Institute. For more information you may check out Steamy Chick and all the information provided there.

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